FORCEFORCE -Forum of Computer Engineers is the association of computer science in IIIT Una. The main objective of this association is to improve coding culture.
DATA SCIENCE CLUBWe all know that 'AI is the new electricity'. This is the club of IIIT UNA, where we are working for elevating the culture of Machine Learning and Data Science.
Team HASHThe technical club of Department of Computer Science TEAM HASH has been started with the objective of development and exchange of relevant knowledge to learn and develop skills in various aspects of programming.
InfoSecInfoSec Community is an association at IIITUna which aims at bolstering the Cybersecurity culture among the college students.
IMPRESSIONSThis is the Photography club of IIIT Una which captures all the enthusiasm and fervour in the students as well as the college working towards a culture and better growth.
EvMacEvMac is the event management club of IIIT Una which plays a huge role for the smooth conduct of every event in our college.
AAVESHAavesh is an electronics society of IIIT Una that strives to teach and help students acquire new skills in an era of rapidly evolving technology in the field of electronics and communication engineering.
SURGESURGE is a electronics club which is established by Electronic society Aavesh in 2019.
AMOGHWith the vision of accentuating the creative side of personnel in a Technical College, and to create a reminiscence of college life hustle and bustle, team AMOGH brings to you, the Annual College Magazine.